Starting a new challenge – 2019 is coming

In some of the blogposts you can find references to products. It is possible that I recieve commissions for purchases made through links in the posts. This is to help support my blog and does not have any impact on my recommendations

In some of my blog posts, you can find references to products.
 I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in the posts.
 This is to help support my blog and does not have any impact on my recommendations

I'm Jozefien, a surface pattern designer from Belgium with a passion for nature and botanicals. Here on this blog, I like to share an array of tips, tricks, resources, and products with you!  So subscribe if you want to follow more of my content!


Now the Christmas holidays are in full run and the new year is approaching very fast, I finally find (or make) some time to look back on 2018 and make plans for 2019!   At the end of 2017 I bought the most expensive present ever!  And you know what, it was a present for myself!  After months of saving and saving, I finally was able to buy my Ipad pro.  It was always a dream to have one, but thought it would never be possible until I decided to just put money aside every month.  Before that I didn’t have a drawing tablet.  I made all my drawings with the mouse, and drawing the same line 10 times gave a lot of frustrations..

At that same time, some very talented girls decided to start a #100daychallenge together on the 1st day of 2018.  Perfect timing to start drawing on my brand new Ipad.  Buying the Ipad and starting the challenge were the best decisions I had made in a long time.  

Drawing on an Ipad has it’s own challenges and techniques.  If you want to achieve a certain style like watercolor, you need to use a completely different technique than when you paint with watercolors on paper.  On Skillshare I found so many fantastic classes, and in every class I found something that helped me a little closer in finding a technique I feel comfortable with…  And by doing the 100 day challenge, I felt myself growing day by day.  It wasn’t always easy because I forced myself to finish a drawing everyday and placing it on instagram.  But without this challenge I wouldn’t be where I am right now!  It is something I would recommend to anyone who wants to practice any kind of skill.  In this little video you can see the drawings I made in the challenge.

Because I experienced the benefits of a challenge, starting a new challenge is what I will do in 2019. Not a daily challenge because that would take up to much time, but I thought it is time to make some pattern collections, and a monthly challenge could be perfect for it.  So here it is: Every month of 2019 I will make a small pattern collection of 3 patterns.  So that means 3 x 12 is 36 patterns in total!  And of course I will share the process of each patterncollection with you on this blog.  I already have some ideas in mind, but if you have a specific idea, or you want to challenge me even more, I’m all ears!  

But for now, Merry Christmas to you!


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