January challenge – Valentine

In some of the blogposts you can find references to products. It is possible that I recieve commissions for purchases made through links in the posts. This is to help support my blog and does not have any impact on my recommendations

In some of my blog posts, you can find references to products.
 I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in the posts.
 This is to help support my blog and does not have any impact on my recommendations

I'm Jozefien, a surface pattern designer from Belgium with a passion for nature and botanicals. Here on this blog, I like to share an array of tips, tricks, resources, and products with you!  So subscribe if you want to follow more of my content!


Did you remember I was planning to do a monthly challenge?   Well because it’s February already, it’s time to let you know what the end result is for my January challenge.   

Before I started my challenge I planned out all my themes for every month.  For January I chose the Valentine theme, I imagine you can guess why!  In the list below you can see all the themes.  

While I’m writing this, a cool idea pops up!  What if you join me in the challenge?  With joining me, I don’t mean that you also have to make 3 patterns.  It could be all kinds of things with the theme, for example making a photograph, a drawing, an art piece. Or maybe even sewing an outfit with fabric in the theme, the ideas are endless! 

And when you join me, it would be so much fun when you e-mail me your creations at info@elliladesigns.com so I can share all our results here on the blog!


My January challenge

Well, now it’s time to share my result with you!  I didn’t expect it to be an easy theme, but never thought it would be as hard as it was.  When I was searching for inspiration, I  noticed that Valentine has some kind of kitch around it!  And that isn’t the style I wanted for my patterns.  So it took a while before I found the direction to go on. And before I knew, the month was almost over, without any pattern.  So the best way was just to start making a hero-pattern, and see what it would become!

Valentine pattern pillow

I don’t know if this hero-pattern has kitch, but I don’t mind anymore. I am happy I finally was able to make a Valentine pattern with 2 secondary patterns.  For these patterns I used colors from the first pattern, with one of them also being a Valentine pattern!  

Valentine pattern love


And you know what, I have made a desktop wallpaper with one of the designs, completely free for you to use!  When you haven’t already, just sign up for my newsletter and you can download this wallpaper!  Enjoy!

Freebie desktop wallpaper January challenge


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